About The Adventurers
Meet Em & Fra

E. is a girl who is lost in the right direction and is constantly off balance: nothing is hers except the essential things such as air, sleep, dreams, sea and the sky. She has a job that fills her pockets and adventures that fill her soul, since she learnt a long time ago that is better to see something once than hear about it a thousand times. Because the most dangerous risk of all is to spend your life not doing what you want on the bet you can buy yourself the freedom to do it later. She is in love with cities she has never been to and people she has never met. She knows that travel isn’t always pretty. It isn’t always comfortable. Sometimes it hurts, it even breaks your heart. Traveling is a brutality. It forces her to trust strangers and to lose sight of all that familiar comfort of home and friends. But that’s okay. The journey changes her. It left marks on her memory, on her consciousness, on her heart, and on her body. It left her speechless and turned her into a storyteller. She takes something with her. Hopefully, she left something good behind.
When it comes to traveling F. is all about planning ahead, chooses the itineraries carefully and will make sure to tick everything from the “to do” list before he leaves each place. Even the afternoon break has its designated café, days are counted and nothing can be left to chance. He has a weakness for Lonely Planets (in Italian though) and when he gets back he likes to file the guide with all the maps, museum tickets, bus cards and probably a lot more, but no-one will ever know.
After traveling in different directions for years, they crossed their paths on a plane from Hong Kong. The future adventures, the ones together, shall be from now recorded here, one take off at a time.
Our Story
Meet Emma
Meet Francesco
Our Travel Style
It’s hard to sum up the way we travel in a few short sentences, especially since we don’t identify with just one particular style. But, we’ll try our best…
- We enjoy traveling slowly when we can. We’d prefer to stay in one place for several days and get to know it well as opposed to just skimming the surface of a few places.
- We seek out adventure wherever we are. We love doing crazy things that gets our adrenaline pumping.
- When it comes to money, we consider ourselves to be between budget travelers and middle-range. Being that we’re in our mid-twenties early thirties, we are past the phase where we will sleep on a stranger’s floor to save money. We certainly still try to save money wherever possible, but we’ve learned that when it comes to travel, there are times to save and times to splurge.
- We love being in nature. Whether it’s laying at the beach or hiking in the mountains… If we’re outdoors, we are happy!
- We. LOVE. Eating. And we will try just about anything… We prefer street food that’s eaten while sitting on plastic chairs to a fancy restaurant just about any day. But we also crave a good green smoothie and fresh salad every once in a while, and you usually can’t find those on the street.
- Learning about a country’s culture is one of the most rewarding parts of travel for us. We aim to immerse ourselves, interact with locals, and learn about a nation’s history as much as possible.
- While we like planning out our travels and seeing some of the big attractions, our favorite travel experiences are usually the unplanned detours and the secret spots we stumble on that aren’t on the typical “tourist path”
Why We Travel
There’s something utterly addicting about travel. It’s like nicotine, but more expensive. Though it’s probably a little better for our lungs.
Let’s just say that the more places we travel, the more places we want to see.
Each place we’ve visited has given us reasons to fall in love. For some it’s the landscape, in others it’s the food or culture, and in others still it’s the people. Sometimes we are enraptured by it all. Those are the places that are hardest to leave.
But most of all, we love how travel shows us just how much good is in this world. There is kindness everywhere if you seek it. And the more we travel, the more hope we have for the future of this planet.